Company History

Advantage English School E/J opened in 2003 and has sent more than 450 graduates to date. The school is a division of Hamasaki Enterprises Ltd.

Hamasaki Enterprises Ltd. was established in Whistler in 1979, and has a diverse track record in Whistler for nearly half a century, including log house construction, export, ski magazine coordinator, ski shop TMC Freeriders Shop management, and Advantage English School E/J management. We have built trust by leaving

Introduction media:

Hochi News paper, Nippon Television (Documentary – Japanese), Fuji Television (Sumeba Chikyu), Yamato Keikoku Publishing Co, Bravo Ski, Ski Journal, Tokyo Ski Federation, Pique News Paper, Free Ski Magazine. Mountain Life. Tourism Whistler, Tourism BC

Our main program, the ESL/TOEIC Program, helps students improve their communication skills and learn English in a safe and fun way in this wonderful environment of Whistler.

The Work and Study Program utilizes the experience of working in a world-famous resort area to develop human resources who can play an active role internationally in the ever-expanding global society.

Each course has a small number of students, but it is an environment where you can learn in a homely atmosphere.

Experienced instructors who love Whistler’s nature and sports (especially skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, etc.) offer fun classes.

All of us at Advantage English School E/J sincerely hope that each and every one of our students will reach their goals and spread their wings around the world.

Setsuko Hamazaki, School Director

Advantage English School E/Jは2003年に開校し現在まで450名以上の卒業生を送りました。学校はHamasaki Enterprises Ltd.の1部署です。

Hamasaki Enterprises Ltd.はウィスラーで1979年設立、現在までログハウス建設施行、輸出、スキー雑誌のコーディネイター、スキーショップTMC Freeriders Shop経営、 Advantage English School E/J運営と地元ウィスラーでほぼ半世紀にわたり多様な実績を残し信用を築いて来ました。


報知新聞、日本テレビ(ドキュメント- 日本人),フジテレビ(住めば地球)、山と渓谷社、ブラボー社、スキージャーナル社、東京都スキー連盟、Pique News Paper Free Ski Magazine. Mountain Life. Tourism Whistler, Tourism BC

当校の提供する主なプログラムであるESL/TOEIC Programは生徒達がこの素晴らしいウィスラーの環境のもとで、コミュ二ケーション能力を高め、安全で且つ楽しい英語学習ができるようにサポートしています。

Work and Study Programは、世界的に有名なリゾート地での就労経験を生かし、今後益々拡がりをみせるグローバル社会で、国際的に活躍できる人材を育成しています。



私達Advantage English School E/Jスタッフ一同は、生徒一人一人がそれぞれの目標に向かい世界に羽ばたいてくれることを心から期待し願っています。

Setsuko Hamazaki, School Director

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